bags, craft, sewing

Toadstool pincushion at Brown Owls

At Brown Owls last night we all made (and finished) toadstool pincushions, thanks to Kirsty’s marvellous instruction (in person and via powerpoint presentation, no less)!

IMG_5175 by you.

There is a photo of the entire forest over here, and I’m sure that there are plenty more sprouting around the blogs.  Lots of fun!  I was even the “owl of the meet” – see that tiny photo of my crocheted squares on the owl’s tummy?  Thanks again to all those involved in running Brown Owls.  As well as catching up with various lovely crafty ladies I’d met previously (you know who you are!), I made some new pals and met the lovely Sharon, visiting us all the way from Singapore.  She brought along these beautiful earrings that she’d made me as a thank-you for directing people to her giveaway a few weeks ago.

IMG_5179 by you.

Thanks so much Sharon!  They are just divine, and it was great to meet you in person.  Now I need to go somewhere special to wear them (or I’ll just wear them anyway).

The Teardrop Purse finally has beads attached to the handle.  All done!

IMG_5174 by you.