adult's clothing, crochet

joplin vest

Remember when I was trying to work out what fibres were in the yarn that I was using to crochet a Joplin Vest?  Mum has since informed me that when she got the yarn from my Nanna, it did have “alpaca” written on the bag.  So that solves a fair part of the mystery!  I finished this vest a couple of weeks ago, but it hasn’t been cold enough to wear it yet.  Alpaca is so warm!

Joplin vest

I really enjoyed hooking this vest. It’s like a large circular doily really, but with armholes. The stitch pattern varies from row to row, so it’s interesting, and because it’s worked from the centre out it feels as though it grows extra fast – well, until you get to the last few rounds! But by then you know that you are on the home stretch, and that is okay as well.

Joplin vest

There are enough increases to keep the outer edges ruffled, rather than flat. It’s an interesting style to wear. Not my usual item, but I think that I’ll be able to get used to it. There are plenty of similar vests in the shops for winter – although mostly not in such bright colours!

Joplin vest

Once I lay my hands on some nice shawl pins, I’ll be able to have it pinned closed or else wear it open. A very warm and colourful extra layer! It’s not difficult to crochet, and it’s rather fast, so a great project for someone who has learned how to crochet but hasn’t made many garments. Highly recommended – and currently very fashionable!

Joplin vest

But the best thing about it as far as I am concerned? I’ll think of my Nanna every single time I wear it. And that is a great thing.  Ravelled here.