craft, embroidery, fabric stash, miscellaneous

Blog Rolls and Brown Owls

Lucky lucky me!  I won the Blog Roll made by Kirsty during her week of pillowcases on Meet Me at Mike’s.

Lovely soft fabric, cute buckle, and best of all, look at the embroidery inside!

Kirsty, you are SO GOOD at embroidery!  The stitching is so perfectly done.

So now I have a spot to keep my camera, notepad, pen and inspiration!  Thank you for your generosity.  There are some other terrific embroidery designs for a Chick O Roll, Rock N Roll and Stitching Roll on Kirsty’s blog.

And speaking of generosity, huge thanks go to Pip, Kirsty and Brooke for creating and running the wonderful crafty club that is Brown Owls!  We had a marvellous night last night with crochet as our theme.  Kirsty’s great-aunt Pat was there with her amazing crocheted dresses that once won a place in the top ten at “Gown of the Year” and shared her years of crochet knowledge.  Jess did a great job of helping out all those new to crochet.  I took along a few of the things I’ve crocheted and a pile of crochet books.  There are photos of what we got up to on the Brown Owls blog.  A big hello also to all the crafty bloggers and non-bloggers that I met (or met again) – it’s great to put a face to a name, and to many of the blogs I lurk around!  I also picked up these little pieces of fabric that will work nicely into a scrappy quilt that I am planning on making.