photo a day challenge

photo a day challenge – your handwriting/words

Before I show you my next challenge photo, I have to let you know that I am finding it difficult to find enough words to express how touched I am by the responses to yesterday’s post.  They have brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.  Thank you more than I can say.

So this is going from the sublime to the ridiculous!  Here’s my handwriting – it’s my to-do list for yesterday.

photo a day challenge - your handwriting/words

I am a list person, which probably doesn’t surprise many of you. And I put even the most mundane things on my to-do list for the day, so that I will get to cross some things off it (if not all of them).  My little trick to feeling as though I have achieved something.  I like to be organised, and I like to feel that I use my time wisely.  There are never enough hours in the day.

In terms of my handwriting – it’s not all that aesthetically pleasing.  It tends to be a combination of printing and running writing, and I write the letter “a” differently depending on how quickly I am writing (and yes, it can be written differently within the same word).  I went to primary school in the mid-late seventies, but my current writing style doesn’t really reflect what I was taught then.  I altered it when I became a secondary school teacher in order for my students to more easily read it on the black board.  My mother has beautiful handwriting, typical of her era.  Apparently your handwriting can say a lot about you.  I wonder what mine is saying to me?