fabric stash, planned projects

Ikea stash

Oh my goodness, I went to Ikea!  And instead of buying household items that I didn’t go there intending to buy (have you ever noticed that at Ikea, like at Bunnings, you go to buy one thing and leave with ten?) I got some fantastic fabrics to make some bags. 

All terrific furnishing weight co-ordinating cottons that were way cheaper than most other fabrics I have seen lately.  So, any suggestions as to the best shape of bag for these?

Mum, I know that you are reading my blog – which do you fancy for a Mother’s Day bag?  Or will I delve into the rest of the stash and find something unexpected?

There are actually a few websites devoted to creative ways of using Ikea products.  Lots of the craft and fabrics ideas are terrific!

This evening’s task – to draft out some bag patterns (never mind the ironing, unpacking the dishwasher, and other such domestic duties).  Could be another late night!