
hexagon scarf

Quite a while ago I crocheted a Mamy bag.  It turned out that I crocheted many more hexagons than I needed for the bag.  The leftover hexes sat in a colourful pile for months and months and months, but when I was away with book group last year I sewed them together and turned them into a scarf.

hexagon scarf

It is quite difficult to photograph scarves effectively! I’m looking forward to wearing this one in winter – because as we know, I do like a bit of colour! And now the poor abandoned hexagons have become a useful accessory. Hopefully they’ll look better on me than on my chair.

hexagon scarf

Yesterday I had a lovely fabric shopping day out with some of my Sewjourn companions – there are accounts of the day over here and here! Extremely pleasant (and you’ll be impressed to discover that I was very mindful in my purchases).  And my clever and talented crocheting/quilting/dressmaking friend blogless Megan is blogless no longer – check out her new blog Indigo Midge!