craft, family, musings

2011 wrap-up #3 – crafts

This mosaic contains the non-garments I made during the last year.  Actually, I fudged it a bit, because it does contain some patchwork that is still in progress and generally I like to keep these mosaics to what was completed.  Whoops!

2011 crafts mosaic

This is day 4 of bunkering down in the air-conditioning. It is like an oven outside! But I’m going to have to venture out to the shops for fruit and vegies at some stage, probably sooner rather than later. We are now having the proverbial lazy holiday (or stay-cation as I’ve heard them called). All staying in our pyjamas for hours upon end – on day 1 of the holidays the kids didn’t even get out of their pyjamas – and watching copious amounts of television and movies. Spending time on the internet. Enjoying Christmas gifts. Playing Words with Friends. Entertaining refugees from the heat and being fascinated by the workings of a knitting machine. Planning fabric shopping trips.  Investigating family holidays to Bali.  Not having to be anywhere at a particular time. Swapping between crochet and sewing and planning and playing.  Going with the flow. I still have a massive holiday to-do list including such stimulating activities as “tidy the craft cupboard” and “purge the filing cabinet” along with “empty out the hall table drawer”. But hey, there are plenty more days left of the holidays, and I am fitting in a small chore each day. It’s Clare’s 9th birthday coming up on Sunday, so I’d better reluctantly head upstairs (it’s hotter there despite air con) to the sewing machine and construct another dress. It’s tradition!