bags, sewing

toiletry bag

People often ask me how I find time to get so many sewing projects done.  The reality is that some projects hang around for a very long time waiting to be finished.  I started making this toiletry bag (pattern from Nicole Mallalieu‘s book You Sew Girl) the last time I was at Sewjourn.  That is, the time before my most recent visit.  Six months ago.  Guess what?  I finished it last week!


This is a gorgeous little toiletry bag, made from a Japanese linen. I just took forever to hand stitch the binding in place. It was originally intended for Stella’s birthday – in June.


Do you think that I can keep it for myself?

Speaking of unfinished objects, I did some tidying up a month or so ago and found a dress that was cut out waiting to be sewn. It was cut out in size 14-16. The first time I was that size (I do the yo-yo size thing every three or four years). I’m not quite sure what to do with it – it’s a John Kaldor quality fabric in a navy/natural geometric print, in a shift style of dress from a Vogue wardrobe/career pattern. The sort of dress I never wear any more. Then there is a pyjama top for Clare – I only cut that one out six months ago, but it’s a slippery polyester satin in pale pink with scottie dogs printed on it and I don’t want to make it when I have so many other more fun things to sew. There’s a dress kit that I originally bought for Clare – the bodice is meant to have an embroidered motif. I never got around to embroidering it. It’s size 3 – so if Stella is going to wear it I’d better get cracking! There was also a baby dress – well, no point in making that one now – and a few little kits for other objects that I will make one day, but not today. Do you have lots of long-term unfinished objects too?