kids clothing, sewing

Pillowcase PJs

Firstly, thanks for the response to my last post – I thought it was a story that many of you would enjoy!  I’ve been busy in the sewing room cutting out garments in preparation for next weekend at Sewjourn.  While doing so Clare pointed out to me that one of her nighties was getting a bit short.  It was made from a pillowcase, and I’ve just dredged through my archives and found a photo of Clare wearing it when I originally made it – back in 2007 (pre-Stella!)

pillowcase nightie 2007

The pillowcase was from a set of two, so I pulled out the second one and cut out a pair of matching pants.  I was barely able to squeeze enough width out of it – you can see that they only just go around Clare (she’ll be 8 in January, but she’s small). I used a size 5 pattern as a basis for how deep to cut the crotch curves, but eliminated side seams and used the entire width of the pillowcase.

pillowcase pants 2010

So now she’s got a top and pants set! Yippee! And how is that for clothing longevity – there’s something to be said for having children who don’t grow quickly – we get a couple of years wear out of most items. Which means that they have very full wardrobes since I don’t stop making them new garments…

pillowcase pants 2010