miscellaneous, musings

Ten point status report

1.  My computer is stuffed.  Don’t let your three year old daughter press the reset button repeatedly.  It’s been at the repairman since Saturday morning.  Fingers crossed that he can fix it – it’s got all my photos, email addresses, business bookwork, etc etc etc on it.  My blogging has been severely curtailed.

2.  The wedding quilt is nearly finished.  The zig zags have been quilted, the binding has been sewn onto the front.  I just need to sew the binding down (yes, it will be by machine) and add a label.

3. I’ve finished a dress to wear to the wedding and shall blog it soon (see point #1).

4. I’ve finished a shawl to wear to the wedding and shall blog it soon (see point #1).

5. I had a wonderful weekend away with my book group and feel incredibly refreshed.

6. My husband and children had a wonderful activity filled weekend without me and when I told Clare I missed her she said “really?  I didn’t miss you”.

7. I have another Sewjourn weekend planned and it’s only four weeks away!  Hooray!

8.  I’ve watched the first ten episodes of Buffy Season 2 (see point #2).  Loving it.

9.  I actually finished my book group book this month – we read Solar, by Ian McEwan.

10.  Our camellia tree is covered in pink blooms and is totally gorgeous.  There are no green thumbs in our family so this is a very fortunate thing.

How is your status?