craft, sewing, sewing room

Wallpocket / pinboard

For some time I have been planning on making a wallpocket/pinboard for my sewing room.  Now that I have finished it, I can’t believe I procrastinated for so long!  It was so quick to assemble!

The board is caneite (I think) from Bunnings; the fabric is Kaffe Fassett (from Ballarat Patchwork).  The idea was from Craft Apple’s fantastic tutorial; Shim and sons has beautiful wallpockets which also guided me.  This one is pretty large.  The two strips of smaller circle print are pockets, divided into four across the board.

I used a staple-gun to attach the fabric to the board (thanks Dad!) after first sewing the pockets to the base fabric.  The colour is not quite right in either of these photos; in reality the colours are much stronger (that wall behind the wallpocket is actually yellow).

Now it just needs to be put up on the wall!  I have a number of items waiting to be pinned to it and to be placed into the pockets.