craft, fabric stash, patterns, sewing

Fabric stash additions

Okay, here are the fabrics just arrived from the USA!

I loved Miss Clare’s hip skirts so much that I have to make my own.  Shall I do the circle skirt or the pleated skirt first?

These are so pretty!  I bought a yard of each, and have no idea yet what they will become.  Clothes for Stella?  A bag?  Other craft?

No idea what I’m going to do with this one – I just liked it!

Craft destiny for these.  The numbers will become a laptop sleeve – hopefully this weekend!  Hubby is putting the pressure on (“enough tops and bags – where’s my laptop sleeve?”)

A yard of each of these as well – and 2 yards of the toile.

I really love this one!  I think that I’ll make a nice set for Stella, a top and pants from coordinating fabrics with coordinating trims – I’ve already got a pattern in mind.  Or will I make something for myself?

And there’s still another parcel winging it’s way to me . . .