craft, sewing

Pattern Review is up!

Hello there everyone! 

Oh my goodness, the hit rate on my blog has more than doubled!  Thanks to the people who have read my blog and are leaving comments – I am very flattered (and am blushing furiously).  The Little Hip Skirts pattern review is now up on the Sew Mama Sew blog – you can read it here.  I’d better dash up to the sewing room and get some of my unfinished projects done so that I have more photos to post!

Edited to add:  There are some lovely give-aways happening at four friends and a blog if you leave a comment before Friday noon (USA pacific time).  If you mention me I get more chances to win!  By posting this I reduce my chances of winning . . . hmmmm . . . but you might win!  While you’re there, check out the blog and the craft that these ladies do.