children's clothing, kids clothing

Disco party dress

Take one invitation to a disco 7th birthday party.  Add a request for sparkles.  Search out some lycra and stretch foil sequin remnants from GJs Discount Fabrics.  Mix in New Look 6797, entirely inspired by a disco party top made by Nikki.

New Look 6797

And you end up with this:

New Look 6797 - Disco party dress

Clare decided to have the ties knotted at the back rather than at the front.

New Look 6797 - Disco party dress

The sequinned fabric can be a little scratchy, so it is underlined and bound in the hot pink lycra on the top and some stretchy slinky gold something I found in the stash for the skirt.  I left the sleeves as is – a little bit sheer, and not too scratchy because of the loose flutter shape.

New Look 6797 - Disco party dress

A leftover piece of fabric made a super quick headband – cut to length and tied.  She was very happy and has headed off to the party with a huge smile on her face.  Apparently “Groovy Girl” is going to be there providing some dancing lessons, and there will be a mirror ball.  Oh to be six years old turning seven!

New Look 6797 - Disco party dress