adult's clothing, sewing, teen

Summer pyjamas

My family likes cotton/spandex for summer pyjamas.  I snapped up a few metres of this fabulous sloth print when I spotted it on the Super Cheap Fabrics website late last year.  When it arrived, the selvedge says it is from Peter Alexander – no wonder it’s perfect for pjs!

Summer pyjamas

I used the Grainline Studio Hemlock tee for the top, with the short sleeves and cropped length options. The pants are from an old Butterick pattern. I had to remove two inches from the top of the pants to bring the crotch up to the right place. The pants have pockets, and I used solid purple knit for both the elasticised waistband of the pants and for the neckband of the top.

Summer pyjamas

Such satisfying sewing! I reckon there could be enough of the fabric left to sew myself something.