adult's clothing, sewing, tessuti patterns

Tessuti Lola tee

I was invited to a Halloween dinner, and really didn’t know what to wear.  I didn’t need a full-on costume, just something that was in the spirit of the occasion.  I had a Style Arc Besharl jacket in my wardrobe that had a pattern that could vaguely read as cobweb-like, and a pair of black pants – so I just needed something orange to go under the jacket.

Tessuti Lola tee

Stash to the rescue! Less than an hour later I had an orange tee-shirt to go underneath. The pattern is the Tessuti Lola tee (which I’ve sewn before). This tee has a terrific scoop neck, and plenty of abdomen room as it is slightly flared at the front.  I am not enamoured with the fit of the back on me though (which is the same as in most tees that I make – when will I learn to do that short back waist alteration!)

Tessuti Lola tee

Anyway, this tee served it’s purpose – I was quite happy with my finished nod to Halloween!

Tessuti Lola tee