what I wore

Me Made May 2016

The premise behind Me Made May is to challenge yourself in regard to wearing garments you’ve made.  Because the vast majority of my wardrobe is self-sewn, and I didn’t feel like adding any more challenges to my life, my participation in Me Made May this year was really more about me documenting the clothes that I wear and the combinations that I wear them in.  Be warned: lots of photos ahead.  These have all been on Instagram so if you follow me there they will all be familiar.

Me Made May 2016 days 1-4 Me Made May 2016 days 5-8
Me Made May 2016 days 9-12 Me Made May 2016 days 13-16
Me Made May 2016 days 17-20 Me Made May 2016 days 21-24
Me Made May 2016 days 25-28 Me Made May 2016 days 29-31

Phew! Congratulations to anyone who managed to get through that lot. Quite a few of these garments are yet to be blogged, but further details will eventually appear.  Please be patient with me!

So, what do I get out of Me Made May? I’ve found it helpful to document what I wear a couple of times each year. It assists with wardrobe purges, with reminding me of things that I like but don’t wear often, with trying new combinations of clothes, and generally helps me work out what my current style is. It makes me more thoughtful and deliberate in deciding what to wear each day, which I think is a good thing.  Clothes and colours are fun things for me – I enjoy experimenting with them and trying some new things out occasionally.