Lekala, Lekala-along #4329 jacket, sewing

Lekala-along: I made a muslin

Now, don’t faint – but I made a muslin!  After reading Suzy’s account of how her Lekala #4329 jacket is progressing, and seeing her muslin(s), I decided that it might be worth my while to give one a go as well.  Would you like to see the photos?

Lekala jacket muslin

Lekala jacket muslin

Lekala jacket muslin

Unsurprisingly, my husband’s first comment upon seeing my muslin was “um, you haven’t finished it – you need another sleeve”.  For muslin purposes, I thought that one sleeve would be enough!  I love the two-piece sleeve, and am very happy with the way that it fits.  Sleeve length is also quite good.  The waist is pretty much where it should be, but I have what I now realise is my usual Lekala issue with my waist measurement being evenly distributed around the front and the back of the garment.  I will remove some of the waist ease from the back and add it to the front – a full abdomen adjustment (FAA instead of FBA).  I think its pretty good across the shoulders too.  Other comments and/or suggestions?  This pattern was ordered with increased upper arm width, narrow shoulders, and raised waist, in addition to my other measurements.

Lekala jacket muslin

Oh, what unflattering photos. Keeping it real.