adult's clothing, sewing

StyleARC Peta pants

Forgive me, for it is two weeks since I have sewn anything!  I am getting extremely twitchy and really NEED to get to that sewing machine, but alas I have other tasks to finish today before I can reward myself with time in my sewing room.  However, I can show you the last makes of 2013 – StyleARC Peta pants for my Mum.

StyleARC Peta pant

Mum asked me to make her some elastic waisted pants a couple of months ago. I sent her some links to some options that I thought she might like, and she chose the Peta pant. StyleARC describe it like this: This elastic waist pant is a great new staple – make it with or without drawstring bottoms, its easy to wear and you will find it a great young fit that is still comfortable.

StyleARC Peta pant

This pair are in printed viscose/rayon from Darn Cheap Fabrics. I sewed them up at size 18 for Mum. She is the same height as me (158cm) so I made the same “short person” alterations by removing around 3 inches from the length, half above and half below the knee. This still left plenty of fabric for a fairly deep hem, which helps the fabric to drape nicely. Mum says that these pants feel as though she hasn’t got anything on!

StyleARC Peta pant

The second pair were sewn in cross-woven linen from Spotlight. They are cropped due to fabric limitations! Otherwise they are sewn pretty much the same as the previous pair.

StyleARC Peta pant

Mum is like me (rather, I am like Mum?) and has a fairly flat bottom. The Peta pant fits her nicely around the back, and also drapes well at the front. The rise appears to be just right for her.

StyleARC Peta pant

Thanks Mum for being such a good sport and letting me put you up on my blog – and I’m glad that you like the pants!