children's clothing, kids clothing, miscellaneous

top 5 hits of 2013 (for my daughters)

Top 5 of 2013 - An Annual Blog Series

How could I possibly do a top 5 hits without focusing specifically on the garments that I have made my daughters during 2013?  I usually like everything that I make for them, which is fortunate both for them and for me. As a general rule, children are much easier to fit than adults. Less curves to worry about! The girls get involved with decisions about what I make for them, generally choosing both the pattern and the fabric, albeit with some guidance. And luckily for me they really do like to wear the clothes that I make, Clare in particular. I found it as difficult to narrow down a top five for the girls as I did to narrow it down for me! But here goes, in no particular order. Firstly for Clare:

1. Oliver + S Seashore Sundress.

Oliver + s Seashore Sundress, size 8

2. Oliver + S Rollerskate Dress.

Oliver + S Roller-skate Dress, size 8 for Clare

3. Oliver + S Book Report Dress.

Oliver + S Book Report Dress for Clare - size 8

4. Modkid Melanie dress with Go-To Leggings.

Modkid Melanie dress with Go To Leggings

5. The Anne of Green Gables dress. My absolute favourite make for Clare this year!

Anne of Green Gables

And for Stella:

1. Oliver + S Bubble Dress.

Oliver + S Bubble Dress

2. Oliver + S Book Report Dress.

Oliver + S Book Report Dress for Stella - size 5

3. You Sew Girl! All Season’s Coat.

2013-08-03 11.16.43

4. Oliver + S Croquet Dress.

Oliver + S Croquet Dress size 6 for Stella

5. Trapezist costume! My favourite (and possibly most-worn) make for Stella during 2013.

Stella the "trapezist"

Of course, the girls’ Ottobre, Go-To and Crafty Mamas tops and dresses have worn a lot during the year as well. There wasn’t really anything for the girls that was a miss, thank goodness! I am pleased that I overcame my distaste for making costumes, because both my daughters were very happy with the ones that I did make. The obvious commonality between the hit makes for the girls was Oliver + S. Reliably wonderful. And let’s not forget those recently made Feliz dresses. I certainly can’t!

Feliz dresses for Christmas Day

Happy 2014 everyone!