adult's clothing, sewing

bodice fix

Thanks to everyone who left such great suggestions on the bodice problem I showed you in my last post!  They were all incredibly helpful and really made me take the time to slow down and figure things out.  I thought that you’d like to see what I have done to fix it.

The first thing was to really analyse what was causing the problem.  I do have relatively narrow shoulders, so narrowing the back a little by taking it in along the handy centre back seam was a good idea.  I took that in about half an inch, tapering back to the original seam about two and a half inches down from the neckline.

The next thing was that centre front.  After some more thought, re-reading your suggestions and re-reading the online review of the dress, I realised that basically I DID need a FBA in this dress.  Which I hadn’t done.  BUT – and luckily there was a but – the outer layer of the bodice with the pleats and folds is cut quite a bit larger than the inner lining so that it can fold and drape.  The inner lining is cut very close to the body to hold everything in place.  The lining is shaped with two bust darts.  I unpicked them and reduced their seam allowance to just a few millimetres, giving much more bust room underneath.  Then I tried it on and re-wrapped the front layers over one another, pulling the ends of each wrap down about half an inch below the rest of the fabric.  I didn’t actually alter the pleats.

Vogue 1256 bodice after alterations

So now we have a bodice that is still low cut, but sits in place without majorly gaping open!

And since then, I have attached the skirt and the dress is just a smidgeon from being completed. I just need to pop down to Darn Cheap later today and see if they have some nice bling for the front waistline as per the pattern photo. And I have to say – in my opinion the dress looks good! Roll on Frocktails.