what I wore

what I wore – weeks 51, 52 & 53

Well here it is, the final instalment of “what I wore”.

what I wore - weeks 51, 52 & 53

As is often the case, there are a few days missing. But most of them are there! The entire flickr set of what I wore for the last year is over here.  There are 327 photos from the 4th January 2012 to 8th January 2013, so I clearly did miss a few days or forgot to add them to the set.  It’s interesting for me to scroll through and see which of the clothes that I make (and buy) I really do wear the most.  I’m planning on a blog post where I sum up the year and reflect on what I’ve learned – but first, there are still some 2012 makes that haven’t been blogged, and there are already three items from 2013 to blog!  So I’ll be back soon, if I don’t get distracted by holiday fun.