
kidney stones

It’s been drama in our household.  Two weeks ago the girls both got sick with severe gastro.  They improved very slowly, but by last Sunday they were pretty much on the mend.  But that morning my husband started complaining of haematuria and pain.

He had kidney stones removed from his right kidney & ureter six years ago.  Now the left side was a problem.  By midnight on Wednesday we needed to call an ambulance for morphine and a trip into hospital.  He had surgery on Thursday evening to attempt to remove a 1.2cm stone. Unfortunately it was unsuccessful.  Now he’s got a ureteral stent in and will have endoscopic surgery again in ten to fourteen days time.  Until then he’s quite uncomfortable and in low level pain (with lots of medication to try to manage it) and will be at home resting.

I think that July will pretty much be a write-off for our family!

At least we know what we are dealing with, and it’s nothing life-threatening.  But painful, inconvenient, and annoying.  And after two weeks I don’t think that I’m the most sympathetic nurse.

I really need some sewing therapy.  Maybe fabric & pattern shopping therapy will have to suffice.