musings, what I wore

what I wore – week 28

I met up with my delightful cousin Freya the other day for a sanity break away from the house of illness.  She said to me “are you taking a photo of what you wear every day”?  It’s taken her a while to cotton on – this is week 28!

what I wore - week 28

She wondered how long I’d be able to keep it up. I’m aiming for around a year, so that I can really get a good sense of what I do wear, summer, winter, autumn, spring. We then went snoop shopping at the high end boutiques at Doncaster Shoppingtown. Wasn’t that fun! I quickly discovered that I made things just as well as the designers/manufacturers selling clothes for hundreds of dollars. And that I really wished that I could lay my hands on their fabrics – but for prices that I’d be willing to pay!

I’ll leave you today with my favourite recent text message from Freya:

Hi babe I was just checking your blog while I waited for the boys to finish their plays at different entertainment venues when I realised I do not have a winter design by Thornberry Lara to wear to work. What are the girls at work to do without a dress to look at? What I am to do with no dress to show off? What am I to do???????????????

Hmmm, I might need to remedy that…