That’s a pretty long title for a simple hat! Well, you do know that I like my blog posts to have sensible, logical titles that describe what the post is all about – and this one is about a granny rainbow stripe slouch hat.
Some weeks ago I was suddenly struck with an urge to crochet in colour. In a rainbow, actually. I ran up to my “scrap yarn” stash, which is mainly full of random balls of 8ply wool from Spotlight, and pulled out around 14 different colours. In the process I discovered what colours are missing from my stash, but I haven’t addressed that yet – I’m on a yarn (and fabric) diet. I took a good look at the rainbow beanie pattern, and started hooking.
My plan was to make a beanie for one of the girls, but I worked out very quickly that this was turning out huge – even much too large for me. So I morphed it into a slouch hat by working extra granny stripe rows, then decreasing once I got to the band, which I worked in hdc. And I kept on decreasing row by row until it seemed to fit.
I’m sort of pleased that I had the courage to just free-form my crochet a little rather than strictly adhering to a pattern as I usually do. Although the success of the finished result is a little debatable. Clare thinks that it is hilarious. I think it’s kind of cute. In a weird, rainbow-rastafarian sort of way.