
she’s five

How did that happen?  How is my gorgeous little girl five years old already?


We celebrated on the weekend with the traditional early-ish morning present opening (I wanted that, and you got it for me! Wow!) followed by church then Grandma’s arrival, then off to a gymnastics party with fifteen other little girls – whoops, that was actually fourteen little girls and one little boy. A clever and talented friend made the cake.


Little children ran around, bounced along trampolines, played musical chairs, musical statues, and climbed up ropes.


And of course, we sang happy birthday and ate cake. And fairy bread. And sausage rolls. And chips. And meringues.


It was beautiful watching Stella interacting with her mates and completely throwing herself into the entire spirit of the occasion. She has real joy de vivre, our littlest one, and dances to the beat of her own drum. She has a spark in her step and a smile in her heart. Five years old already. We love you, Miss Stella! Happy Birthday!
