children's clothing, family, kids clothing

where’s Wenda?

This week Clare’s primary school has celebrated their annual Writer’s Festival.  There have been visits from a guest Illustrator, national simultaneous storytime reading, a book launch, afternoon tea with a book and book rewrites.  The week culminated today with Literature Character Dress Up Day.

where's Wenda?

The kids were all so excited to get dressed up as book characters, and proudly paraded around the school hall at assembly this morning. There were all types of wonderful outfits, and the sharing of stories that have been contributed to the school story collection. Clare chose to dress up as Wenda, from the Where’s Wally series of books.  I think that she was prompted by the presence of red and white striped tights in her wardrobe!  She matched them up with a skirt that we made from an Ottobre pattern some time last year (unblogged, I think) and while at Sewjourn I whipped up a red and white striped t-shirt, also from an Ottobre pattern.  I crocheted the beanie on Monday, and combined with her glasses, some brown boots from a friend, and a camera slung around her neck (that old Sew It Together lanyard came in handy, thanks Sheridan!) she was all dressed up and really looking the part.

big sister Wenda and little sister Wenda

Stella wanted to get in on the action too, so I managed to cobble together a vaguely similar colour coordinated outfit from her wardrobe as well. Very happy girls!