what I wore

what I wore – week 18

And there goes another one.  Another week, that is.  They are flying by faster and faster and faster.  We had a lovely weekend with a visit to the Made’n’Thornbury market, which was quite the social event, then to the Kellybrook Winery Cider Festival.  Despite the drizzle, the girls had a ball watching the Morris dancers (and yes, Stella joined in) and eating toffee apples.  Sunday was church and then catching up with a friend I don’t see as often as I’d like.  There was also some sewing done too.  Yesterday was a work day, and today I’ve been to swimming lessons, taken part in Clare’s gymnastic class, and completed domestic chores.  And – whoosh! – there goes another day.  But back to the point of this blog post – what I wore over the past week.

what I wore - week 18

I know I’ve said it before, but taking daily photos is causing me to reassess my wardrobe, both in terms of the clothes I have bought and made already and those I “need” for the future. I have plenty of clothes, and I’ve been trying out new combinations and permutations. I’ve had lots of these clothes for a long time. It’s time for another wardrobe purge, I think. Especially if I’m planning on sewing for myself at Sewjourn soon.  And especially if I manage to maintain my current weight – maybe I should actually get rid of my larger clothes!