what I wore

what I wore – week 17

I’d have never thought I’d still be remembering to take a daily outfit photo after 17 weeks!  But I confess, it’s getting more difficult – on the days that I work I leave work when it is only just getting light and get home when it is getting dark, so don’t have as ready access to the girls’ bedroom mirror to take a quick snap.  And sometimes I do forget.  In this week’s mosaic there are actually three as-yet-unblogged self-sewn items.  I’m enjoying wearing them, even if I’m behind in blogging about them.

what I wore - week 17

I’m on the countdown to Sewjourn again at the moment – two more weekends, then we’re off! But still trying to figure out childcare for Miss Stella so that I can leave at a decent time on the Friday (check-in is 2.00pm, and we like to get in every minute of sewing time that is humanly possible). Always a dilemma! I am planning on making one thing for each of the girls, doing a little quilt top construction (some of my UFOs) and then hitting the stretch fabrics and patterns and just going for it. Should be fun!