miscellaneous, musings, sewing, what I wore

what I wore – week 13 (and random ramblings)

All those cliches are true.  Time does fly.  Kids grow up before you know it.  If you want something done, ask a busy person. The older you get, the faster the days pass by.  How can another week have vanished already?

what I wore - week 13

Last Thursday’s to-do list had more than 25 items on it. How did we all get so busy?

pumpkin time

Oh look, a random pumpkin photo. Don’t they look weird? On Friday (the day I forgot to photograph my outfit) I attended a workshop in the city. A friend/colleague I was meeting before the workshop was running late. I browsed through The Hill of Content and bought a book for each of my girls*,  then sat on a bench in front of Parliament House in the sunshine and watched people.  I rarely get the chance to just sit.  It was wonderful.  My friend/colleague arrived and we had breakfast at an outdoor cafe.  Scrumptious.  The workshop was stimulating, informative and useful – how often does that happen?  Superb.  I met another friend/colleague for coffee after the workshop and chatted and shared.  Delightful.  Then caught the train home to my generous parents who had come down especially to mind the children so I could attend the workshop, and who mowed lawns, did gardening, painted the cubby house roof, cooked, cleaned and folded all while I was enjoying my day out.  Just amazing.  My children gave me cuddles and kisses, and because Daddy was going away “fishing” for the weekend, we had end-of-term pizza with another family from school.  What a wonderful day.  How lucky am I!

Flowers by Clare

School holidays are the best change of pace. Clare is spending a few days with my parents, making chenille stick flowers, attending exercise classes and op-shop duty with Grandma, and generally have special time with her grandparents without little sister around. Stella and I had a wonderful day today just taking the day in our stride without timetables and strict commitments. An old dear friend that I don’t see as often as I’d like to came to visit, we walked to a local cafe for lunch, and Stella and I built a house from lego. Some special time just for the two of us without big sister around. Maybe I have slowed down a little to appreciate the moments. I’m definitely not getting through all the items on that to-do list…

baking chocolate cupcakes

* The book I bought for Stella was The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes. As soon as I saw it in the book shop I was transported back 35 or years (or more). I had this book. What nostalgia! Such beautiful illustrations, and both my girls love the story.  It was originally written in 1939.