children's clothing, sewing

New Look 6577

Something has been sewn!  In half hour bursts over the past week, I finished off New Look 6577, a summer dress for Stella.  Yet it was so cold here yesterday that we had the heater on. I may have missed the moment with this one.

New Look 6577

This is view B. Stella is quite insistent that it isn’t finished yet – she wants a bow and rose flowers attached to the front waistline. I’m not so certain. I used vintage fabric for this dress (Stella’s choice) with a gingham underskirt. It peeks out just a little from underneath, and is edged with vintage embroidered lace that I think Mum spotted on op-shop duty one day. The underskirt gives the dress that bit more “oomph”. And I love the flounce on the overskirt.

New Look 6577 - hem flounce detail

Unusually, there weren’t any matching invisible zips in my stash! So I went with a lapped zip in the centre back – I wanted to get this finished without a trip to Spotlight. I am very happy with my seam matching at the back yoke and the waistline.

New Look 6577 - back zip detail

The front yoke is also rather lovely. It scoops nicely and is self-lined. Actually, the entire bodice is self-lined, but not in a way that encloses the waistline skirt/bodice seam. I’ll have to remedy that if I make it again. Which I probably won’t do, although it is a lovely pattern – I have plenty of other children’s dress patterns awaiting my attention!

New Look 6577 - front yoke detail

I was rather excited yesterday when I was emailed by Pattern Review to let me know that I was their featured member that day! So if you’ve popped over here via Pattern Review – hello and welcome! It’s great inspiration to get some more sewing done, actually! I’m off to a “bag in a day” class today run by the talented Nicole Mallalieu herself together with five of my friends, and I can’t wait. I’ve been a little cheeky and cut out not one but two bags in anticipation. I wonder if I’ll even manage to finish one in between chatting and laughing!