2012 BAMCAL, crochet

March 2012 BAMCAL squares

It’s amazing how much crochet you can get done while watching the ABC2 re-runs of Doctor Who.  Clare became interested in Doctor Who over the past series, so is enjoying the re-runs and finding out why some of the things in the most recent series have happened.  And my husband and I are just enjoying watching them all over again!  Donna Noble was simply the BEST companion ever (although Sarah-Jane Smith runs a close second…)

Anyway, back to the point of this post!  My 2012 BAMCAL March squares are finished (if you don’t count weaving in the ends, that is).

2012 BAMCAL March - Hint of Spring

This square is called Hint of Spring. In my opinion the instructions aren’t written quite as precisely as they could be, but I like the resulting square. It did need serious blocking to get it nice and flat though – the centre was terribly rippled before copious steaming with my iron. Crocheted in Bendigo Woollen Mills Classic 8ply with a 4.5mm hook.

2012 BAMCAL March Filler - Double Treble Burst Square

The filler square was the Double Treble Burst Square. This is a great one for playing with colour. I am very happy with the graduation from darker to lighter. In Bendigo Woollen Mills Classic 8ply with a 4.5mm hook, once again.

While chatting to my Mum on the phone this afternoon she commented that I must have been busy over the past week because I haven’t been updating my blog very much! That is one of the realities of life. I am planning sewing/quilting/crafting projects in my head, but finding the time to put them into practice seems to be more and more difficult, despite having Thursday as “my day” with Stella at childcare. And even when I do get things finished, I don’t always get them photographed and/or blogged.  Mum can read the nuances of my life from my blogging patterns – I suppose that some mother/daughter relationships are like that!  Mum, you know me so well!

By the way, have you seen Tangled? It’s such a beautiful Disney film, and I think that adults enjoy it just as much as the kids. I originally saw it at the movies with Clare, but we all watched it on DVD this evening as a family and everyone liked it. I think that I might have even cried in some parts…