Day: 23 February 2012

musings, photo a day challenge

photo a day challenge – your shoes


When I was in my twenties I couldn’t understand why old ladies wore such ugly shoes. I swore that I wouldn’t ever wear ugly shoes when I got old. I would wear elegant and fashionable shoes. Well, the years have passed and I’ve now learned why many old ladies wore ugly shoes – because they were COMFORTABLE.  I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately, so this challenge theme was very apt. Today’s purchase is these Bared shoes. They are SO comfortable, and I think that they’re also rather lovely*.

I love pointy toed shoes with elegant mid-height curved heels. They are so pretty! As are high heels and strappy sandals. But I simply cannot wear them anymore. Over the past year or two  I have been wearing my fashionable shoes to work only to find that they now pinch, hurt and rub my feet and I can’t wait to get them off. My shoe collection has been reducing at a rapid rate as I send pair after pair to the op shop. Life is too short to have sore feet. Gradually my shoe wardrobe has changed and I am now shod by the likes of Birkenstock, Hush Puppies, Naot and now Bared. Shoes with lots of cushioning, shaped footbeds, lower, broader heels or a gentle wedge, rounded toes, that don’t cause pain. My bunion and fallen arches are thanking me. My wallet is not.  But I have officially become an old lady wearing sensible shoes. Well, a middle-aged lady. However, I don’t think that these shoes are ugly – or maybe my perception has changed over the years!

Mind you, I remember that in my twenties I thought that all shoes should come in the colours of black, navy or brown.  That was it.  I thought that those colours went with everything and didn’t see why the shoe manufacturers would waste their time making shoes in other colours.  Now I do my utmost to find shoes that are green, red, orange, metallic……

* And isn’t that tin that the shoes come in gorgeous? Much prettier than a cardboard box.


waterlily layer

Generally I have around three crochet projects on the go at any one time.  I like to mix up the complexity level, the portability level, and even the stitch type.  So I can just work on whichever project suits the situation.  In late January and early Feb I completed the Waterlily Layer.

what I wore - 17/02/2012

This vest ticks many of my boxes because it was quite portable, has a variety of stitches, and even varies in complexity within the one project. It’s in one of my favourite garment yarns, Spa.

Waterlily Layer

This is described as a layer rather than a vest because it can be worn in a few ways. My photographer wasn’t available when I snapped these photos in the mirror, so I’ll need to show off the styling possibilities another time. But it can be worn back to front and upside down as well as the more conventional way in these photos.

Waterlily Layer

I really do need some proper photos to do this justice! And the mirror obviously needs cleaning as well. I highly recommend this pattern. I found it enjoyable to crochet and it was well written. It needed major blocking to really show off the stitch pattern, but that wasn’t hard to do. Ravelled here.