what I wore

what I wore – week 4

I’m back!  At home, everything unpacked, a good night’s sleep.  And hoping that I’ll make it to my sewing machine within the next day or two.  It was a terrific week of work professionally (and financially) but seven days straight of brain power for 10 to 11 hours straight each day was absolutely exhausting!  And to top it off, yesterday my father had an incident of “power saw versus finger” – he’s okay (well, his finger is relatively okay now that it’s been operated on) so we were in at the hospital visiting him before returning home to Melbourne.  It’s back to childcare for Stella today and back to school to Clare tomorrow (and back to my permanent two day a week job on Monday) so we are really leaping right back into the routine of our “normal” lives.  My husband was extremely well looked after by his mother while the girls and I were away, the girls and I were extremely well looked after by my mother while we were away, and I have to once again bless my lucky stars that we have such wonderful family support.  We are SO lucky.

So, what I wore!  I appear to have missed out on one photo, but can tell you it was the orange version of the Vogue 1250 dress.  And here’s the rest.

what I wore - week 4

Other than the black dress and the short white jacket, everything made by me. The last photo wasn’t worn to work – that was yesterday’s outfit!

Anyway, I’d better get back to it!