family, miscellaneous

so, what’s been happening?

It’s Saturday morning already.  I haven’t blogged for days – most unlike me!  Mostly because of all the school holiday activity that has been taking place.  The girls have both had swimming lessons at 8.30am every day this week.  Nothing like an early start to get you going for the day!  Then there have been playdates with friends, sleepovers, shopping trips, and a little too much television.  And there has been quite a lot of this keeping me busy:

the invalid

It looks pretty luxurious, doesn’t it? Since his rollerskating knee injury (an avulsion fracture of the tibia/posterior cruciate ligament/soft tissue damage for the medically inclined of you) the Mr has been keeping his leg up. Reading the paper in bed. Having cups of tea and his meals delivered to him. And cleaned up after him.   Helped into the shower.  And out again.  Having his slippers put on.  And I am definitely doing every single domestic duty that needs doing in this house – there is no way that he can do any of them. Poor man. He’s hating being incapacitated. He is able to work from home, which is great (thank goodness for laptops and modern technology) but can’t do a great deal more. Although he is reading stories to Stella in bed as I type! He also hurt his wrist a little when he fell and using crutches hasn’t been easy. But we know that things will improve (post-surgery).

The girls and I were lucky enough to have a sewing afternoon at the studio with Nikki yesterday – you can read about it here!  Just check out those girls and their machines!  Early indoctrination?


After doing some routine hand-sewing and weaving in of ends, I busied myself making the wristlet from Nikki’s book.  I’ll sew the last seams later today.  Thank you so much for a delightful afternoon Nikki!  But otherwise, there hasn’t been a great deal of time for craft, although I’ve squeezed some in late in the evening. But you know what? I’m having loads of fun doing other stuff with my girls. As I’ve said before, I love school holidays!