
decorating the cake

Today is my big girl’s 9th birthday.  In many ways it feels as though it was just yesterday that I was in labour but in other ways it seems as though she has always been in our lives.  Clare has been obsessing about her birthday cake for the past week (or two!) and finished decorating it this morning.

decorating the cake mosaic

Grandma helped Clare and Stella to make the cake (marble cake in blue, pink and brown) and to roll out the icing, then the girls decorated it. Clare did hers according to her own design, and Stella decorated the cut-out part with a picture of Clare in the sunshine. They had a ball. We’re off roller-skating this afternoon with four of Clare’s classmates from last year, hence the roller-skating cake! Happy Birthday my darling Miss Clare. You are everything that a parent could hope for. We love you very much.