patterns, planned projects, sewing

in a frenzy

I’m in a cutting out frenzy.  I do this every now and then.  Currently I blame it on the weather – I know that summer is just around the corner!  All winter projects have been abandoned and winter fabrics and patterns returned to the cupboard (and yes, there is one dress all cut out that won’t now be sewn together until next year).  Now it’s all about spring and summer!  The children have actually outgrown lots of their clothes – and that takes a while in my household of short people – and need some new dresses and skirts.  I also suggested shorts, but they weren’t interested.  It’s wonderful pulling those lovely fresh prints from the cupboard and matching them up with patterns.  I already have a pair of bathers, two skirts, a skirt/top set and four dresses cut out for the girls, with another eight or so garments waiting for cutting.  I might intersperse a little sewing inbetween wielding the scissors.  And cutting out garments for me! These are some of the patterns in my queue.


I’ve also got some lovely trims that came from Darn Cheap Fabrics that are begging to be worked into a garment. Don’t most people make the garment first then trim it? I’ve done it the other way around.


So once I’ve cut out and sewn up what is currently in my pile, I’ll move on to some more creative garments that incorporate these trims and/or some of the embroidered and lace-trimmed doilies in my collection. I’ve been doing a little reading too. Craft related, of course (although that reminds me, book group is a little over a week away and I haven’t started The Happiest Refugee yet).


I have a few copies of Stitch in my collection. I really think that this is a great craft magazine. Like it’s sister publication Interweave Crochet, the projects are classy, have a strong design aesthetic, and introduce new challenges and techniques. I highly recommend it (my copy came from Crafty Mamas).


My beautiful girls are just home from spending a few days in the country with Grandma and Pa while my husband and I returned to work. I really love school holidays – once child care arrangements have been sorted out, that is. We had a lovely time away, and the girls enjoyed the time just with their grandparents. My grandparents still live in my childhood home, and it is beautiful watching my girls play where I used to play and participating in the types of activities that I used to do. They had a ball riding their scooters around and around the house, using brooms as horses, drawing pictures in the gravel of the driveway, and blowing and chasing bubbles. And eating ice-cream and Grandma’s sausage rolls and spaghetti bolognese (which is apparently way superior to any bolognese that my husband or I have ever made). And breathing in the fresh country air!  Just wonderful. I also enjoy the change in routine, the lack of rushing, and watching Stella playing with Clare – since normally Clare is at school during the day. Only a few days left – sigh!


These two patterns arrived in last week’s mail. The Jalie one is a terrific basic, and can be made for the girls and for me! The Hot Patterns one, I’m still not quite certain about. I have a few Hot Patterns now, but haven’t made any of them up yet. I’m considering the version that is made in two fabrics. Anyway, I’d better go and get organised for the day ahead! We have a few social engagements over the next few days to round off the holidays. Thanks also for the lovely comments about Vogue 1250 – I hope to see lots more of them popping up on the Aussie blogs soon!