children's clothing, crochet

Stella’s roselette

Remember Clare’s wildberry roselette?  Poor Stella had been missing out in the mummy-made garment stakes, so I crocheted her a roselette as well.

Stella's Roselette

This was another quick crochet project – around five hours of crochet time spread over the course of the last week. If I am watching tv (which doesn’t happen all that often) I always have a crochet project in my hands, and I took this one to work last week and did a little on my breaks.

Stella's Roselette

The yarns were leftovers from other projects. The aqua is Spotlight Yarn Bee cotton/soy from a couple of years ago, and the pink is Spotlight Yarn Bee bamboo/cotton, also from a couple of years ago. At the moment Stella’s favourite colour is blue AND pink, so this hit the spot. As with Clare’s roselette, I didn’t work button loops on the back opening, but just edged it then used the gaps in the crochet stitches as buttonholes. The buttons are slightly mis-matched (because that’s all I had, so let’s call it a design feature).

Stella's Roselette

Ravelled with more details and photos here.