

My husband started his Big Important Job two weeks ago.  He was interstate for the first week, and flat out in the office all of this week from early morning to into the evening.  So I was superwoman!

I worked eight hour days four days per week, with a 45 minute commute at either end.  I got up early, got the kids up early and dressed and fed, made lunches, dropped one child off at a friend’s house before school and the other at childcare.  I did loads of washing, hung them out, brought them back in.  I cooked (mostly) nutritious meals each day.  I did bookwork.  I did dishes.  I paid the cleaner.  I took Stella to swimming lessons, Clare to brownies and to gymnastics.  I collected one child from after school care and the other from childcare.  I bathed children, read stories, tucked them in bed, did the grocery shopping and unpacked it.  I went to book group.  I did some ironing, finished crocheting a scarf and blocked a shawl.  I tidied the house and checked emails and updated our financial records. I packed for a visit to my parents last weekend, drove two hours to the country, attended a funeral, attended a first communion/confirmation, came home again and unpacked.  Many thanks to my Mum for doing the ironing while we were visiting, preparing some freezer meals and for her moral support.

I am EXHAUSTED.  Roll on weekend!  Only two more weeks of almost full-time work to get through for me then it’s back to two days per week and a more manageable life.

There are women who do this ALL THE TIME!  My goodness – my hat goes off to you all.  But isn’t it incredible what you can do when you have to!