
flowers in winter

When we bought our house it came with a beautifully manicured, lollipop-shaped camellia tree in the front garden.  We are not gardeners, so the tree has flourished un-manicured for the past 13 years.  It’s just gorgeous.


All that pink blossom in the coldest part of winter, and it rains down petals until the ground beneath is covered in pink as though it were snow. I love this tree.

Life is hectic here. Still working full-time, about to start some challenging contract work, and just started study for this semester (related to work; I wouldn’t be trying to squeeze that in otherwise). School holidays are just finishing, but I’ve worked right through them. In many ways it’s been good that my husband doesn’t have a job yet, as I’ve had many work opportunities come my way and I’m grabbing onto them with both hands. Even when he does get work and I reduce my days this year will have stood me in good stead professionally. I miss the girls, but am reassured to know that they have a loving parent at home with them during the day, even if it isn’t me.