adult's clothing, sewing

Laura knit cardi

When I bought two poly/cotton heavy-weight rib knit remnants from Rathdown Remnants a year or two ago, I had no idea what I’d make from them.  Due to the bulk of the fabric I was very unsure about how I’d finish edges in a way that wouldn’t look too home-made.  Enter the Laura knit cardi pattern from Style Arc.


This cardi is constructed entirely with the overlocker, and the edges are just overlocked as well. No turning and stitching, so no bulk. It was super quick to make and I quite like the deconstructed style. I found the pattern diagram a little deceiving though. There is a centre seam down the back of the collar, which is actually more of a hood.


I should have sewn it so that the overlocked centre collar/hood seam would be underneath when worn. Although since this style has exposed overlocking around all the edges, it doesn’t matter too much. I even made another one before I realised that I should have done the collar/hood seams differently.


Worn here with a wool jersey Jalie empire crossover top and a stretch skirt with yoke and feature front and back seams, made from my basic a-line skirt pattern.  These two photos were taken with the self-timer on my camera, and I apologise for their lack of clarity.  Much better when mr thornberry is around to take photos for me.


I’ve just cut out a pair of Laura leggings – hoping to fit in some sewing this long weekend!