
been hooking

There’s been some hooking over the past couple of months, but nowhere near as much as usual.  Full-time work is really sucking the energy out of me.  I’m going to bed early, and spending what little spare time I have trying to get other tasks completed.  I can’t wait for my husband to get a job so that I can drop back to two days per week and return to doing all the other things that I normally do.  But hey, we’re keeping on top of the mortgage and bills at the moment with me working full-time so that has to be a good thing!  Sometimes you’ve just gotta do what you’ve gotta do….

I finished this Concentric necklace (Ravelry link)  back in January.  I liked it better before I sewed the circles together.  It was a great way to use up some pretty leftover yarn, but I haven’t actually worn the necklace yet. Don’t get too distracted by the neck wrinkles that show up beautifully in this photo…

concentric necklace

The lovely and generous Karen gave me a very pretty ball of pink yarn that has become a simple cowl. 85 foundation single crochet, then around and around with double crochet (working between the stitches of the previous row to create a mesh effect) until I ran out of yarn. Too easy!

cosy pink cowl

I crocheted myself a green Basque Hat that is exactly the same as one I gave to Sheridan …

Green Basque Hat (for me)

…and crocheted a grey one with matching scarf for my cousin Freya.

Drops basque hat and scarf - grey

Oh, somewhere in March I also hooked up yet another Granny Shrug – this one in green Wilderness for me.

green wilderness granny shrug

Now that I’ve put all of those in one blog post I feel slightly more productive! There are also some scarves awaiting photography and and I finally began a Zen Jacket (Ravelry link) on Easter Saturday.  It is amazing what you can get done in snatches of time here and there.  My crochet projects are all on my Ravelry project page here if you want further details.