craft, crochet, miscellaneous, other people's craft

Dad, do you think you could make something for me?

Guess what my Dad made!

my new swift

Some lengths of wood, a CD, some nuts and bolts and some dowel – but put it all together and look at what you’ve got!  It’s a yarn swift!

my new swift

What is a yarn swift, I hear you ask? It’s a very handy gadget that helps you to wind yarn from a skein into a ball. No longer will I have to press mr thornberry into service to hold the skein – I pop it onto the swift and it spins smoothly and speedily as I wind. Fantastic!  The directions came from this tutorial.  The poplar came from Dad’s wood stash.  Stashing clearly runs in the family – you never know just what you’ll need when!  Now I need to delve into my stash to make a bag to keep the swift in when it’s unassembled.  Thanks so much Dad for making this for me.