adult's clothing, crochet, sewing

Simplicity 3964

You caught a glimpse of this tunic in my last blog post.  I’ve made this before, but in a regular top length and a very busy fabric.  I wear it surprisingly often.  This time I thought I’d give the tunic with gathered hemline a whirl – why not!

Simplicity 3964

The fabrics are both from Spotlight – cream allover lace, and brown chambray. It looks more like grey in these photos, but definitely has white threads in one direction and chocolate brown in the other. It’s a departure from my usual style, but they do say that change is as good as a holiday.

Simplicity 3964

I altered the construction a little because I didn’t want to topstitch the lace yoke or inset, so handstitched them in place instead. Otherwise it’s pretty much as per the pattern. After a day’s wear, and with the suggestion of some of the SIT ladies, I’m going to replace the elasticised hemline with a drawstring for a little more adjustability (who am I kidding – when will that happen?)

Simplicity 3964

Looking at these photos it looks a little like it pulls across the top of the bustline below the yokes to the corner point of the inset. It certainly doesn’t feel too tight when I’m wearing it – could be due to the design. It’s not enough of a problem to stop me wearing it but I might tinker with it a little. The back yoke is fine.

There hasn’t been any sewing this week – just busy with work, school council, dinner with the school mums, washing/ironing, and then a day spent in bed sick.  Something clearly had to give.  But now I’m up and at it again – just in time for another week of full-time work…..but in the meantime, I’ve  been published!


It’s a letter to the editor in the most recent issue of Interweave Crochet. I think that Michelle called me a “crochet activist”!  And here I was thinking I was just emailing some feedback about their Winter issue…..