other people's craft

small sips of summer

A little while ago I crocheted some apple cosies for Rachel, who doesn’t crochet.  Just look at what she sent me in return!


A gorgeous mini-quilt in all the bright colours that I love, beautifully pebble quilted in the sashing in a way that makes the rectangles of print fabrics stand out in relief.


And divine dahlia hair clips for my girls! These are so pretty – Rachel has linked to a tutorial if you’d like to give them a try.  The girls pounced on them the moment I opened my parcel – they were very impressed and quickly claimed one each.


Thank you so much Rachel – I know how much work goes into crafting things like these!  What generous crafters there are in the blogosphere.  I get a kick out of Rachel crafting “small sips of summer” while in the middle of an American snowy winter – then sending it to the middle of summer in Australia!