my creative space, sewing room

My creative space…

A friend gave me her old big CRT television, set-top box and stand when she upgraded to a fancy new television.   It took some rearranging to fit it all into my sewing room (I like to watch TV/DVDs – Buffy anyone? – when I’m ironing and sewing).

my creative space - october 10

I’ve moved the sewing cabinet under the windows, which has improved the light enormously. They’re west and south facing windows, so it will probably get a bit hot in summer – thank goodness for the air conditioning. Eventually we’ll swap the current positions of the couch and the cutting table, but at the moment we consider it safer to keep the couch away from the stairwell (think 3 year old who likes to jump and climb on couches).  There is still room behind the couch to access cupboards and drawers.  I need to fix my pinboard to the wall somehow – it’s rather heavy and will need something heavy duty to keep it up there.  It used to just rest on the sewing table but that’s not an option since I shifted things around.  I’ve been on a cutting out frenzy again and have a number of garments ready to construct.

my creative space - october 10

I really love my creative space.  Visit Kirsty to see many more.

my creative space - october 10