bags, crochet

Hexagon bag

Many months ago I came across this flickr photo of a brightly coloured bag made from crocheted hexagons.  So I had a go at making something similar.

mamy bag

When I began crocheting the hexagons I was full of enthusiasm. I worked out how many I’d need to do, then added some more for some reason. When I went to put them all together with the vintage handles a friend had given me it just didn’t work as I had envisaged it. So the pile of hexagons sat in a pile. For months.  I started crocheting in April – it wasn’t completed until last week.

mamy bag

Eventually I just rearranged all the hexes and sewed it together. It’s not the same as the original, but I think I’ll be quite happy with it nevertheless.  I still have a small pile of hexes left over – no doubt to be combined into another bag.

mamy bag

I lined it with Michael Miller sprocket fabric, and used vintage doilies as inside pockets.  The yarn is all 8 ply wool (Spotlight Moda Vera Basics) crocheted with a 4mm hook.  There is a hexagon how-to over here.

mamy bag

Thanks to facile cecile for the inspiration and for crocheting so beautifully – her blog is full of divine crocheted items and superb photos.  I adore the way she combines colours.

mamy bag