my creative space

My creative space…

This week you’ll have to be satisfied with a photo of what I was crocheting last week!  My computer is still out of action.  And on Tuesday Stella broke our digital camera into the bargain.  Grrrr!


This is the shawl I plan to wear to my niece’s wedding on the weekend.  The forecast is for cold and raining, so I’m pleased I took the time to make a wrap.  I’ll show proper photos (and give more details) once I work out how to use the new digital camera and once I have a computer back to dowload the photos onto and upload to the net. 

And YES the quilt is finished!  I machine sewed the binding but missed so many spots that I still spent three hours hand-stitching the gaps down.  I haven’t labelled it but may just attach one of my usual “thornberry” labels.  And like the shawl, it will be photographed once I work out how to use the new camera etc etc etc.

You would think that with all the enforced non-blogging time I’ve had over the past six days I would have completed a huge number of other things.  Well yes, I have vacuumed the floor and done some dusting and worked my way through a massive pile of ironing.  I’ve also worked my way through some of my crochet WIPS.  But without easy access to the internet, many things have stalled.  And in the back of my mind I’m conscious of all the people waiting for responses to their emails and comments and of the bookwork that is piling up and of other deadlines that are looming that require data that is locked away inside my computer – I have become quite reliant on it! 

Pop over to see Kirsty to find out what is happening in more technologically able creative spaces.