Day: 21 August 2010

miscellaneous, musings

Election Day

It’s Election Day!  And you know what? I love it!  I love that we have the opportunity to vote and have a say.  I’ve been telling my girls that there are places in the world where people fight and die for the right to vote, but here in Australia everyone votes and has the opportunity to have a say in how their country is run.  I love that everyone comes out of their homes and lines up at the local school and has their say.  I love the school fundraising sausage sizzle – we spent a couple of hours this morning cooking sausages and pouring coffee for people waiting to vote.  I love the sense of community and purpose that I find on election day.

Tomorrow will I love the outcome?  Not sure yet…

vintage crochet

Vintage crochet Friday #74

Did your mother/aunt/grandmother (or you!) have a set of Golden Hands when you were growing up?  My Mum collected the weekly partwork, and my Nanna collected Golden Hands Monthly.  I spent many hours browing through them as a child and teenager, and even made some projects from them.  I wonder what happened to the two dolls I made from one of the early issues?  They possibly went to the same place as both Mum’s and Nanna’s magazines – the op-shop.  Anyway, last year I found a set of Golden Hands in a local op-shop, and it came home with me.  Does anyone else remember this design from Issue 3?


Well, I made two in the last week!  Stay tuned for tomorrow’s blog post.