Day: 17 August 2010

crochet, knitting, miscellaneous

Crochet vs Knitting

When you hang out on Ravelry for a while, and when you crochet in public, you quickly learn that many people assume that if you are doing something with yarn you must be “knitting”.  Apparently there is a knitting vs crochet divide  – not that I’ve particularly noticed it here in Australia, maybe it’s a cultural thing specific to the USA, where most Ravellers are from.  Anyway, I recently came across these YouTube videos – just hilarious!

Wooly Bullies: The Underground Crochet Movement and its Place in the Yarn Craft World

Crochet Anonymous

Another giggle this week came from Frogdancer via this post.  Very entertaining!

adult's clothing, sewing

Jalie 2804 Empire Crossover Top

I snuck in a quick hour of sewing one evening last week – the top was already cut out, and I assembled it on the overlocker.  The pattern is Jalie 2804 Empire Crossover Top.  For Australians interested in Jalie patterns, I bought these through Pattern Review.

Jalie 2804 Empire Crossover Top

The fabric is wool jersey from The Fabric Store.  I made the long-sleeved version (well duh, you can see that from the photo) with the ruched lower front overlay.  I left out the modesty panel, but on reflection it may have been useful to include it.  I find v-necklines flattering on me and don’t really mind showing some cleavage, but at this depth it is better with a camisole under it or scarf over it for the workplace (casually it’s fine as it is). I cut size W with no modifications. I like fitted, but not tight.

Jalie 2804 Empire Crossover Top

The back view is interesting because I’ve noticed lately when looking at photos taken from behind that my right shoulder and shoulder blade are higher than the left, and there are some interesting drag lines as a result. They’re partly from the way I’m standing, but I’ve noticed a pattern. I carry my handbags on my right shoulder, and they tend to be filled to the brim. I wonder if I’ve been trying to compensate for the weight by lifting up that shoulder. I might need to think about how I can modify patterns to accomodate it. It’s still no worse than anything I’d buy ready to wear, but part of the joy of sewing for myself is about the finished product, not just the process.

Jalie 2804 Empire Crossover Top

I suspect that this pattern is going to get a real workout in a variety of fabrics and sleeve lengths, with and without the ruched front.